Mood Disorders Specialist

Mark DeLuca, MD
General Psychiatrist & Forensic Psychiatrists located in Royal Palm Beach, FL & Palm Beach, FL
If you struggle with depression, bipolar disorder, or other mood disorders, help is within reach with board-certified psychiatrist Mark DeLuca, MD, in Royal Palm Beach, Palm Beach, and Juno Beach, Florida. He diagnoses and treats common mood disorders to help you feel better emotionally and achieve the best quality of life possible. Call the nearest office to schedule an appointment or book online today.
Mood Disorders Q & A
What are mood disorders?
Two main mood disorders are depression and bipolar disorder, which consists of depression cycled with feelings of extreme excitability (mania). These conditions negatively affect your mood and are often debilitating when left untreated. See Dr. DeLuca at the first sign of a problem.
What are the symptoms of mood disorders?
Common signs and symptoms of mood disorders include:
- Constant sadness
- Sadness cycled with extreme happiness
- Making impulsive or poor decisions
- Hopelessness
- Worthlessness
- Guilt or shame
- Fatigue or very high energy levels
- Weight loss or weight gain
- Appetite changes
- Frequent mood swings
- Difficulty concentrating
- Thoughts of suicide
- Racing thoughts
- Social isolation
- Unusual talkativeness
Drug or alcohol abuse, relationship problems, or issues at work or school are possible complications linked with bipolar disorder.
See Dr. DeLuca at the first sign of a mood disorder, as the earlier you seek treatment, the better your outcome.
What are the risk factors for mood disorders?
Anyone can develop mood disorders, but some factors increase your risk. Examples include:
- Brain chemistry changes
- Family history of mood disorders
- Ongoing or severe stress
- Drug use
- Alcohol use
- Traumatic life events
Ways to reduce the risk of mood disorder complications include seeking treatment early, taking medications exactly as directed, and avoiding drugs and alcohol.
How does my doctor diagnose a mood disorder?
To find out if you have a mood disorder and develop a treatment plan if needed, Dr. DeLuca discusses your symptoms, medical history, and lifestyle. He completes a physical exam and lab tests if necessary, as well as a comprehensive psychiatric assessment by asking you a series of questions.
What are common treatments for mood disorders?
Common treatments Dr. DeLuca could recommend to treat mood disorders include:
Lifestyle changes
Things you can do at home to reduce symptoms of mood disorders include eating nutritious foods, getting regular exercise, reducing stress, maintaining a healthy weight, getting plenty of sleep, and not drinking alcohol or using drugs. Maintain a supportive social support network, too.
Taking medications can reduce mood swings and feelings of depression, giving you a better quality of life.
Dr. DeLuca offers highly effective psychotherapy (talk therapy), including cognitive-behavioral therapy, interpersonal therapy, and family-focused therapy to treat depression, bipolar disorder, and other mood problems.
Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS)
Noninvasive TMS uses magnetic pulses to target nerve cells in your brain responsible for mood control. The treatment is painless and can improve your mood when other treatments haven’t worked.
To find out if you have a mood disorder or get treated for it, call Mark DeLuca, MD, or schedule an appointment online today.
Palm Beach Psychiatric Experts provide psychiatric medication evaluation, medication management, talk therapy, and coaching.
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